Dementia Flashcards – Web and iOS apps

The Flashcards web-application has been innovatively designed to support patients suffering from dementia in enhancing their language and memory recognition abilities. This application utilizes the strategy of cognitive association between textual words and their corresponding visual objects, a method frequently employed in pediatric literacy programs, and modifies it to benefit dementia patients, thus serving as a vital mnemonic aid.
Upon selecting a specific category through the ‘Category’ button, the application displays a series of flashcards related to the chosen topic. This feature provides a focused cognitive therapy approach; for example, if patients experience difficulty in recalling terminologies associated with garden paraphernalia, they can simply select that category for a specialized memory reinforcement session.

Enjoying our free flashcards app?
Why not take a look at our premium product, Helping Mum, which helps those living with dementia communicate.